Visual Art

Abstract Series 2023, #3 (Acrylic, Ink and Maker on watercolor paper)

Abstract Series 2023, #4 (Acrylic paint, paint pen and ink on watercolor)
Abstract Series 2023, #2 (Acrylic paint, paint pen and ink on watercolor paper)
Under the Sea, 2023 (Acrylic on Canvas)
Mother Tree, 2022 (Acrylic paint and paint pen on canvas)
Openings,2023 (Acrylic paint on canvas)
Meditations in Mexico, 2022 (watercolor pastels, paint pens)
The Serpent, 2022 (Acrylic paint, paint pens)
Block print and handmade bag. 2022
Block printing from hand carved rubber stamps on cotton canvas
Coasters, Acrylic on wood, 2023
Acrylic on Wooden box, 2023
Nourish, 2020 (mixed media: watercolor, gouache, acrylic, collage, marker, embroidery)